ETEC Autoscan

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The Autoscan Column with opened Sample Chamber

The ETEC Autoscan is a Scanning Electron Microscope developed by the ETEC Corporation in 1972.


Crossection of the Basic Column

The Autoscan was avalible in 2 main configurations, one with a combined Console and Column, and one with Split Console and Column, the latter being the more high end version.

The column its self consists of 2 Iron clad Solenoids, with the top forming 3 lenses used as the condensor Lens, and the lower forming, with the aid of polpieces, the objective lens. 2 basic Objective Lens configurations where avalible, the more basic having a single, prealigned Aperture housed at the top of the Column Liner tube, and the other having a centerable Aperture stick with 4 positions for 2mm diameter aperatures. Both lenses are of equal dimension, and run off the same power supply.

Nested within the solenoid casing of the Objective lens, lies the defelction and Stigmation unit, which is a Resin cast cylinder containing the 2 sets of deflection coils, as well as the dual Quadropol Stigmator for the objective lens. There existed 2 upgrade options for this assembly, one adding beam blanking, the other allowing indevidual control of the scan coil sets, in order to produce Psudo Kikuchi Lines in conjunction with the Aperture stick Objective lens.

In North America, the Autoscan was distributed under the name ETEC where as it was distributed under the Siemens name for the rest of the world.


Electrion Source
Accelerator Type Single Stage Electron Gun
Cathode Type Tungsten Hairpin / LaB6 / Cold Field Emission
Accelerating Voltage 1-30, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 30, (50) KV
Cathode Heating Methode HF AC
Alignment Methode X, Y, Mechanical
Number of Condensor Lenses (1), 3 lens gaps
Current Stability
Stigmator Not present
Minimum Spot Size Diameter N/A
Condensor Alignment Not Present
Lens Type Electromagnetic
Holder Type Swing Door / (Airlock Loading)
Special Holders Freeze Holder, Airlock Cartridge, TSEM Holder, IC Holder
Sample Tilt Range -5° to 45° (Large Specemin Goniometer), 0° to 90° (Small Specemin Goniometer)
X, Y Travel Range ± 12.5 mm
Z Travel Range 25 mm
Objective Lens
Focal Length
Adjustment Range
Spherical Error
Chromatic Error
Current Stability
Stigmator Dual Quadropol, Electromagnetic
Alignment Aids
Point Resolution 10 Å, (7 Å)
Minimum Focal Length Variation
Lens Type Electromagnetic
View Screen
Type ZnS + CdS CRT
Size 18 cm x 18 cm
Lens Type "Plate Film, Manual Feed / Rollfilm Side entry
Film Format(s) 4x5" / 6x9 cm / 35mm
Magnification (Steps) N/A
Magnification Range 5x to 240 000x / 20x to 500 000x
Magnification Gauge Type Mechnical / LED 7 Segment Display
Image Distortion
Image Rotation Compensation NO
Specemin Chamber Pressure 2e-5 Torr to 2e-6 Torr (cryopump)
Power Consumption 2.5 KVA
Input Voltage 115V / 230V AC
Frequency 50 Hz or 60Hz
Water flow Requirment 2 l/min
Water Pressure 1.5 Bar
Inlet Temperature Range 15°C to 24°C (20°C Optimal)
Acceptable Temperature Rise
Number of Sub Units 1 (2)
Weight of Column
Weight of Powersupply
System Total Weight 450 Kg


Promotional Material

There where many pieces of promotional material avalible for the Autoscan, however only 2 have been archived as of the writing of this statement. One of these is the VISTAScan system, which is listed under Accesories along with its Promotional Material.

Siemens Brochure for the Autoscan


Old version of the Usermanual
